The Allende Lab

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Divulgación (en Español)


Our lab is involved in several projects and are partnered with diverse institutions and initiatives:


Laboratorios portátiles.

Participamos de este programa de entrenamiento de profesores con un laboratorio móvil dedicado a la reproducción y el desarrollo embrionario

¿Pez cebra en su liceo?

Nuestro modelo se presta para su uso como herramienta educativa.

Our lab is interested in revealing the molecular and cellular basis of neural development, regeneration and innate immune function. We use genetic and genomic tools to discover molecular mechanisms and to characterize cell behaviors in vivo using zebrafish as a model. We also study other fish species to understand their evolution and adaptation to extreme environments. We are part of the Millennium Institute Center for Genome Regulation (CGR) and of the Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile.

In addition to our basic research, we have developed services based on the use of zebrafish (environmental toxicology and assessment, aquaculture research, compound screening). For further information, please visit the Danio Biotechnologies website.

We are part of the FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation, a Chilean Center of Excellence

With four other Centers of Excellence, we are part of the Chilean 1000 Genomes Initiative (Web site in Spanish)

We are partnered with a start-up company that provides biotechnological solutions based on zebrafish

Original art: Andrea González A.

Libro de descarga gratuita

El libro “La Lógica de los Genomas” del Dr. Miguel Allende, puede ser descargado gratuitamente siguiendo este enlace. Es un libro de divulgación para todo público sobre genómica y modificación genética.